
A Beginners Guide On How To File An Amazon Appeal?

It is common knowledge that accounts suspension on Amazon is not only detrimental for you but also your business. It can lead to financial losses but that is only a small part of the problem. Several businesses have suffered permanent bans on Amazon which has effectively ended their dream of entrepreneurship. So we are going to detail certain steps which will help you file an appeal in case you find your Amazon Account Suspended.

Find Out Why You Were Suspended

Filing an Amazon Appeal without even bothering to check what made them discontinue your account is an exercise in futility. Whenever they suspend your account, Amazon notifies you by mail of the possible reasons for their actions. One of the reasons could be the performance of your product. The other could be possible violations or failure to follow guidelines either by you or the product you are trying to sell. They also explain the steps that can be taken to recover your account in case they have only taken this step temporarily.

Make A Formal Request To Amazon for Appeal

These requests need to be extremely professional. You cannot use informal language or show any sort of anger while replying to them. IN case you believe you have made a mistake, you should acknowledge that and inform them of the steps you are taking to fix that error. In case you need any help from their side do let them know. But if you feel that you haven’t made any error from your side or that the suspension is without merit, you need to mention the same in a firm but polite manner.

Play The Waiting Game

Amazon is a big organization. The department that handles requests related to Amazon Appeal may be looking at numerous such cases daily. So you need to be patient in this regard. While waiting for their response, you can also make strategies on the future course of action about how not to make such errors in the future. In case you find that you need help in this area, there is merit in hiring a professional who helps you manage your account better.


It is possible that your Amazon account suspended for reasons that may not be very big. Also, it may be restored within a short period. Even then it makes sense to know about the appeals process in case you might need to use this knowledge.